

Iopamiro® is an x-ray contrast medium of the new generation of non ionic compounds which are watersoluble because the molecular structure incorporates hydrophilic groups. It is used for the following indications:


·         Neuroradiology: myeloradiculography, cisternography, and ventriculography


·         Angiography: cerebral arteriography, coronary arteriography, thoracic aortography, abdominal aortography, angiocardiography, selective visceral arteriography, peripheral arteriography, venography, digital subtraction angiography (DSA), DSA of celebral arteries, DSA of peripheral arteries, and DSA of abdominal arteries


·         Urography: intravenous urography


·         Contrast enhancement in CT scanning


·         Arthrography


·         Fistulography
